Monday, December 11, 2006

Getting Real

Many of us at one time or another have kicked around the idea of starting a company. For those of you who are developers, the idea of creating the next Google or Microsoft has undoubtedly crossed your minds. Unfortunately idea and reality are two very different things. It takes a lot more than a good idea being thrown around between friends over dinner to create a successful company. As humans we tend to procrastinate and put things off. This is often the case when people talk about starting a business but never get around to doing it. Other times people will talk themselves out of taking the plunge or letting others convince them their new venture is not worth pursuing.

There are tonnes of books out there meant to motivate readers to take action and move forward with their entrepreneurial ventures. One that I found to be really good was Getting Real by the guys at 37 Signals. It is a great read for those of you who are looking for inspiration and insight into getting a software development company started. Even for those who are not in the Software industry the book still has plenty of advice that can be applied to many industries. It does a great job of showing how much can be done with a small group of the right kind of people. You can buy a pdf or hard copy or read the free version online

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